
Monday, June 17, 2013

Nice to be in Nice

We made it to Nice! And BOY! getting here was quite the adventure!... but I'll talk more about that in a minute. You have some catching up to do. :)

After I posted my last blog post, we went to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Trevi fountain by night.

Yesterday, we went to Venice (on a whim if you noticed my Facebook status). While we were on the train, though... we found out that we were supposed to have booked reservations. Oops. We each got fined 18 euro, but making it to Venice on a high speed train was WELL worth it! As soon as we got out of the station, we were greeted by flying boats along the Grand Canal.

We did lots of exploring and getting lost through the small alleyways because we didn't have a map. Luckily, I brought my Europe Guide Book which had a small map of Venice in it. We weren't in any hurry though, so it wasn't a big deal to get lost.

For lunch, we bought a HUGE box of cherries for only 3.5 euro!!! It was sooo great to eat fresh fruits, overlooking the grand canal. Then... we got the great idea to go on a gondola ride! :) We were in luck because a young Russian couple was trying to ride, too, but the price was too steep for them. So, we split the cost! :D Hooray for saving, and the ride was TOTALLY worth it!

Here's some photos for our day! :D

You can see our Giant crate of cherries...

 Needless to day, that night was pretty early because we were exhausted! We woke up this morning to leave for Nice. However... we made the same mistake of not booking reservations on this train as well (another 18 euro), and then we had late train after late train. I did get to ride on a double stacked train, thanks to Stoil's excellent "ask-a-stranger" skills. Once we got to Nice, we THOUGHT we knew how to get to our hostel, so we walked...and walked...and walked....until we reached the end of the road. Oops. No hostel.

We randomly asked directions from a old man, who called for another young woman who spoke english because she was AMERICAN! :D And she looked at the address for our hostel, and offered to drive us because we had walked in the WRONG direction, and had gotten 2km away from our hostel!

Her and her husband were SO incredibly kind to us. She was maybe in her early thirties and wanted to feed us, let us use the bathroom, and all kinds of stuff. We were thrilled with the free ride. We thanked them over and over and over. My faith in humanity is restored! Apparently, she had also done a similar tour of Europe, but not for as long as we were doing. She was so nice, and I really hope to pay it forward someday. Stoil and I are still in awe of how kind she was!

Anways, we made it safely to our hostel. This is where we are sitting now... Our hostel is SO cool! We have memory foam pillows. WHAAAT?! I'm also very excited to be at the beach. Our hostel also does our laundry FOR US for only 7 euros! CRAZY! We are so excited. It's towards the end of our journey, and we are getting more  and more tired, but I am still SOOO pumped to see Barcelona in a few days.

Keep in touch with you all. Tata for now! :)

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