
Saturday, June 15, 2013

When in Rome...

We made it to Rome! We got here on the 13th, but had some major difficulties with the hostel!

So... we went to R City hostel, but apparently, they were fully booked when we booked beds online through Hostel bookers. So, when we got there, they sent us to Alessandro Palace where we were told they had set up reservations for us.

Nope! We got to THAT hostel, and were told that they too were fully booked! So they sent us to a THIRD hostel a few blocks down where we spent one night. Then, yesterday, we moved to a FOURTH hostel which is much nicer, and we are staying here on a 10% discount. We also got a free bottle of wine out of the ordeal, so all is well! :)

I do love Rome, though! When we first got here, we explored around the Colosseum and whatnot. The history that exists here is absolutely breathtaking!

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier right up there

Then, we walked over to the Trevi fountain, did the throw-the-coin-over-your-shoulder-and-make-a-wish thing. I'm not telling what mine was! :)

AND WE WENT TO THE VATICAN! It was a completely humbling experience, and the line wasn't too bad... I had to split away from it to go buy a panini though because I was HUNGRAY!

The statue of St Peter's. I wish I could have gotten a good picture of his feet. They were SO worn down due to the centuries and centuries of pilgrims kissing and rubbing them. How neat!

Castel of San Angelo. Any Angels and Deamons fans out there? :)

Then, we took a long relaxing break back at the hostel and went out again to see Rome by night!

 The next day (yesterday) we wanted to find a walking tour at the Spanish Steps, but it was so crowded, and the directions for where to meet were so vague, that we gave up and did our own "Angels and Deamons" tour (Madi and Stoil style)
I also bought a new hat... we practically walked all over Rome until I found the perfect one!

The Spanish Steps! :D

Stoil haggled some roses from a gypsy to give to me. hahha

While walking on our own little tour of Rome, we found this fountain that everyone was playing in and soaking their feet in. It was VERY refreshing!

And of course.... we bought giant things of Gellato. To battle the heat, of course...


Then, we did another break and went to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by night and the Trevi Fountain at night too. I will put pictures of those on facebook. Now... I am prepairing to leave for Venice for the day! Yay! How exciting!

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