
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guess what I did today?!

Today in Nice has been AMAZING! What a great stop to make. We ate an amazing breakfast at our cool hostel and left our laundry (because THEY do it for us!!!!). We went into town and walked through France's largest fruit and flower market (a bit underwhelming if you ask me). Then, we spent a GLORIOUS few hours on the beach in Nice. The water was a bit chilly, but it was SO refreshing after all those hot days in Italy. The water was a beautiful turquoise blue crashing up on the pebbly beach. The pebbles instead of sand took some getting used to, but it was nice to not have to be covered in powdery sand.

Despite our constant application of sunscreen, we still got SOOO burned! :(

But, then... our REAL adventure began! Guess what we did!!!???

OH YEAH! We SCUBA DIVED! It was SO fun! The guys in the scuba shop were really great company. We left from the Nice Port and boated to a popular dive spot, got loaded up with our gear and went under! It was only 6meters or so, but it was still awesome! :D

Stoil said that when he went under, he got to see an octopus. I swam through a school of the most beautiful fish I've ever seen! There had to have been hundreds of them. The instructor guided me so low into the rocks and coral where I could run my hands through the seaweed and all kinds of stuff. I grabbed a rock from the bottom for a souvenir.

While on the way back to the port, the dive crew brought out a bottle of Rose, and we all shared some wine. Then, one of them cracked open a "violet," a type of deep sea slug or muscle, but it's really salty, and you can't serve it in restaurants because you have to eat it as soon as possible. The diver explained that it couldn't be preserved... so he cracked it open right there on the deck and we all took a bite of the salty, chewy slime. It was... interesting.

And now, we're back at the hostel, nursing our sunburn and enjoying Happy Hour and the breeze coming through the open window. :) Tomorrow, we leave for Barcelona around 12 or 1. 

Here's some more photos of our super great totally awesome day!

Me and the diving instructor. I'm the one in orange.

Stoil and the diving instructor.

A giant barrel of candy in a giant store full of other barrels full of candy. Paradise?
A giant strawberry made of sugar. Heaven?

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