
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

From a balcony overlooking Amsterdam...

Hello everyone! Sorry for not having a video today. We are sooo exhausted, and typing is much less effort (believe it or not), and besides, there are many things to tell that cannot be put into video.

First off... yes, we are safely in Amsterdam. We got here yesterday around 6pm. Our hostel is adorable and we have the room to ourselves even though there are beds for 6 other people. We are also just a stone's throw away from this really neat park by the Van Gogh Museum (too bad we were too broke to go inside).

We then took a stroll around town. WE LOVE IT! The canals everywhere are gorgeous, especially as the sun is going down. Here's a few photos to show you just what I mean!

We ate a late lunch on a floating dock in the canal, then walked around all the shops and things until late. And yes... we did go into the red light district for a while. DO NOT JUDGE! It was... interesting. haha!

Today... My camera broke. Rest in peace little guy. :( So I will try to find a new one to purchase either in Denmark or Germany. We took it super easy today (especially since the free walking tour filled up before we could even get into the line to make reservations). However, we did make up our own walking tour! We saw the Anne Frank house and basically just slummed around Amsterdam. It ended up being great! We stuffed our faces with donnors, bought 50 cent ice cream cones, and took a nap in Amsterdam's largest park. Now, my amazing boyfriend is cooking us some dinner. We went grocery shopping today so we would have something to eat during our LONG train ride to Denmark.

How long you ask? 11 hours!!!! 11! Yes! 11! But it will be so worth it! We will sleep, watch movies, eat, sleep... sleep. And I love Copenhagen, too! I'm excited for Stoil to see it! And then... Friday... I GET TO SEE MY FRIEND VICTORIA! Words can't describe how excited I am to see that crazy girl and the rest of my Danish friends! It's been far too long you guys! Well... tata for now! Here's some more pictures for you!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Travel safe! Note to Stoil: You're doing a great job keeping track of Madi's stuff (wallet, camera, backpack, passport, :) )
