
Friday, May 31, 2013


We are safely in Denmark with Victoria and her awesome parents! We got here around 5ish and had an AMAZING home cooked dinner (something Stoil and I have truly missed). Then, Vic and Freja took us to the beach to get ice cream and walk along the shore as the sun set. It was SO beautiful.

I'm sorry that I didn't do any blog posts while we were in Copenhagen. I love that city so much. It's gorgeous. (And again, sorry for no video. I'm exhausted, and I type much faster than I edit video. I'm also running out of songs, and we're only halfway through the trip).

Our first full day in Copenhagen (yesterday), I went to Photographica to buy a new camera (which I LOVE!). The picture quality is good and it has so many fun features. Then, we went on a walking tour (free!) then walked to see the Little Mermaid. Later that evening, we went to a music festival on the streets of Copenhagen called Distortion. It was... interesting. I'm glad we went, but there were SOOO many people, and the music wasn't too great, but it was still fun. We saw some interesting characters. haha!

Today, we went to Christiana (relax...we just looked around) and then headed to Blistrup to meet with Victoria! It was SO great to see her again!

Tomorrow, we hope to do Frederiksborg Castle then have a small get-together at Vics house with some of the other Danes from our exchange class. Hooray!

Here's some photos (again) to replace the video that I was too lazy to make.

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