
Monday, May 27, 2013

Breaking in Brussles!

So here we are safe and sound in Brussles! Sorry I didn't get the chance to do many blog posts while we were in Paris. (It's PARIS! What was I thinking?!) Yeah I know, but the internet at the hostel was HORRID, and since we only had a few days in the city, we were running around like mad men in order to do most of the things we wanted.

We left this morning for Brussles, and once we arrived, it was like a breath of fresh air! It's not NEARLY as busy here, which is nice after the busy Paris streets. Our hostel is AMAZING! We get our own HUGE room for less than $40 each! We LOOOVE not having to sleep on bunk beds. We also got a chance to wash all of our clothes, eat meat and fruit, and buy our tickets for Amsterdam. We leave tomorrow at 3pm, which gives us some time to see European Parliament and a few of the cool buildings here!

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