
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Czech us out!!!

I have quite a bit to cover in this blog posts, and a few stories to share that can't be shown in a video.

We went though Berlin a few days ago, which was pretty fun once we actually got settled. Our train in Copenhagen was delayed by half an hour or so, and the train got to Hamburg 45 minutes late, so we missed our original connection and had to wait quite a while for the next train to Berlin. It took us FOREVER to find our hostel because none of the locals really recognized the name of the street it was on. Then, our room was in an apartment building down the street from the actual hostel. What?! But at least our room was clean and comfortable. We did find this sign outside of it, though, which made me worry. Haha!
We just stayed in that night and had cheap wine and Haribo, but then the next day we did quite a bit of sightseeing. We had to do everything that day because the hostel didn't have enough room for us to stay an extra night. So, we stole tram rides and did Berlin in less than 12 hours!

Then, we hopped on what was SUPPOSED to be a 4 hour train ride to prague. It was about 9.5 because most of the rivers in Germany and the Czech Republic are flooded, and the water is so high that it was too dangerous for the train to go at full speed.

The train ride wasn't so bad. We converted the entire cabin into a giant bed (we had it to ourselves) because all of the seats folded down flat and met each other in the middle. We folded down all six! King sized bed on a train! :D 

So, we arrived in Prague around 2:45 in the morning. Public transportation wasn't running. No trains, no taxis, no buses, and the floods had shut down the metro. We had to catch some shuteye in the train station for a few hours until public transportation started because the hostel was too far away to walk to with all of our stuff, and we didn't have a map. So... I fell asleep outside of a store front next to one other backpacker guy... and I woke up amongst a horde of homeless people. "We have to go! I can't do it! Let's go Stoil!" I gathered up my stuff and started walking, and Stoil rolled over to go back to sleep. Nope! I couldn't do it! Luckily, it was almost 5am, and trams were running. It felt amazing to be in a real bed.
We slept in late today, and toured Prague on our own. We have a few days here, so we're taking it easy. This place is SO CHEAP compared to the other cities. YAY! I had a ball in all of the shops. Stoil bought me some 5euro skirts, and I got some tops!This city is beautiful though! It looks like a theme park, not a city! But we really like it here, and the flood waters aren't as bad as they said on the news. :D  We'll keep you posted on our adventures. I have to admit that I am a bit sad about being halfway through the trip already, though.

So, now we're getting ready to go out on our Prague date to a cool tiki bar thing for a few drinks! Yummy! :D Tomorrow, we hope to catch the 2:00 free walking tour! Peace out, everyone! I gots to go get ready!

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