
Friday, May 24, 2013

Bonjour from Paris!

Unfortunately, the internet in our hostel is not very good, so I can't upload a video for this blog post. I will put up pictures, though. I promise!

We left on the 23rd for Paris, and the bus ride was about 8 hours long. Appropriately, we watched Les Miserables and slept most of the way. When we got to Paris, though, we were disappointed to find that it was wet, rainy, and cold! But our hostel was neat :).

To make the most out of the crappy weather, we took a metro to the Eiffel tower, took lots of photos, and went to the Arc de Triumph. We got back really late though, and just slept in this morning. We met a cool couple who was sharing a room with us. They were from Virginia and doing a similar trip through Europe. How fun!

Today, we got delicious sandwiches from a bakery up the road, went to Notre Dame, the bridge with all the locks on it, and did the Louvre for several hours. It was really fun!

Notre Dame was gorgeous! Putting our lock on the bridge was pretty romantic even though we couldn't get another tourist to take a good picture of us. Haha. The pictures we got pretty much accurately display how our trip through Paris has been... Rainy, cold, with a broken camera that doesn't always focus. Haha. But still...

Tomorrow, we do more sightseeing!




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